Who does Prime Minister Chris Hipkins think he’s fooling, that a redistribution of wealth in our country is not a priority?

Is equity not a priority Chris? What about pulling people out of poverty? It sounds as though you’ve capitalised on the term “wellbeing” for your Budget, but the follow-through doesn’t exist. Perhaps “bread and butter” is better replaced with “crumbs and floods” because that’s all you’re leaving the East Coast with.
Only months ago the Government launched an inquiry into IRD, which revealed that 311 families in our country had a combined net worth of $85 billion. A survey went out asking every day Kiwis what they thought about a wealth tax, with 53.1 percent saying that they were in support of it. Ninety of our country’s wealthiest went on to sign an open letter titled “Sharing wealth by paying more tax” which backed a tax system that asks more from those who can most afford it.
For context, the richest pay a median effective tax rate of 9.4 percent, while the general population pays 20.2 percent — this is inequity, Chris, and the clear solution is a wealth tax.