This was after they had completed a log carry, followed by a stores carry involving carrying sandbags, Jerry cans, medicine balls and ropes, and negotiated a firefighter’s obstacle course, all from a 6am start.
Lead instructor Kumeroa Papuni-Tuhaka said he was “really proud” of both the group and the instructors.
“The Longest Day period is the culmination of that 10 weeks. They were under that log for at least two hours, carry logs for 4.5km. That’s something adults wouldn’t even put themselves through.
“Essentially we covered 20km-25km, which again is something not a lot of people would do.”
The activities took a total of six and a half hours.
The children were carefully monitored for safety.
Mr Papuni-Tuhaka said this year was the first time the programme had run since Covid-19 arrived in 2020.