Shut up Simin. I’m sick of you exhorting us all to use fossil fuels and drive everywhere.
Last week I took my life in my hands, wheeling my bike across Roebuck Road. It shouldn’t be that dangerous!
If only Gisborne had an industrial/heavy traffic by-pass, cyclists, pedestrians and school children wouldn’t be so intimidated by encounters of a close and personal nature with 50 tonne truck and trailer units. Recently a cyclist friend of mine had her arm broken twice by inconsiderate round-about traffic.
Gisborne is flat, compact and has a good climate. It’s an ideal city for cycling, scootering, skateboarding and walking. Or would be, if the council had any money to invest in amenities like separated cycleways. Hawke’s Bay puts us to shame in the development of their cycling network.
Unfortunately the Government you so admire is loath to reform the tax structure or offer any financial support to local government bodies who are expected to perform miracles on insufficient budgets.