Re: Government considering different funding models to build new hospitals, Dec 9 RNZ story.
This is what I’ve been saying. It looks like our new Government wishes to privatise our public services in partnership and co-governance structures and lease backs to profit-takers.
If a government borrows to build a new hospital, it eventually gets paid back and we own it. The value of the building increases through time and the value of our publicly owned asset will increase.
If a private profit-taker builds a hospital and we lease it back, we’re, in effect paying for the building but we will never own it. We will keep paying long after a building loan would have been been paid for.
It’s a bit like a landlord arrangement where the tenant covers all the costs and the landlord still owns the house and makes the capital gain. It sounds cheaper because a government doesn’t have to spend as much money up front, but it’s a false economy.