Last-ditch negotiations last week, which yielded an improved pay offer from the ministry, were not enough to avert the industrial action, which follows a national strike in August and the rejection of a second offer last month.
After the meeting the teachers will split into groups and rally at visible locations across the central city before coming together at Kelvin Park at 12.30pm.
Ms Scott said the workload for teachers was too much.
“We don’t have enough support for students who need it.
“We need to be given the time to teach and principals need the time to lead.
“The Government needs to acknowledge we have a huge teacher crisis across New Zealand that isn’t getting better and needs to be addressed.”
Parents generally supported the strike and agreed with what they were fighting for, so did not mind making other arrangements for child care for one day, she said.
The Employment Relations Authority has slammed the teacher union’s pay demands as “totally unrealistic” and is urging teachers to take the Government’s offer.