Iwi have joined with the forestry industry and government agencies to launch a new collective to improve forestry culture, hauora and health and safety for kaimahi in Te Tairāwhiti.
The Forestry Community Health and Safety Alliance, known as Te Kawa a Tāne, was launched yesterday at Te Poho o Rawiri marae.
The alliance is underpinned by te ao Māori principles and values and was created following five regional leadership wānanga. These hui involved Te Rūnanga o Tūranganui-a-Kiwa (TROTAK) and Te Rūnanganui o Ngāti Porou.
“We know that Māori forestry workers in Te Tairāwhiti are seriously injured and killed at work at a disproportionate rate,” says WorkSafe’s chief executive Phil Parkes.
“This alliance presents a real opportunity for the community to work together to improve health and safety outcomes.