“We were alarmed to hear of the whio’s dire situation in the Waioeka and jumped at the chance to help the Eastern Whio Link team continue with their great work, allowing whio numbers to grow once again. It seemed fitting that we should do what we can to ensure this beautiful native species will be around for many years to come,” Immengard said.
The conservation project lies between Opotiki and Gisborne and focuses on restoring whio to the area.
The whio, famed also for its appearance on the NZ $10 note, thrive in clean fast-flowing rivers. They are only found in the Waioeka, central parts of the North Island and on the west coast of the South Island.
Threats to the breed come in the shape of stoats and feral cats, mainly.
Conservation is more than just trapping invasive species for Sam. It’s about helping restore balance and allowing natural ecosystems to prosper.
“The alignment with Blue Duck Vodka is brilliant because they are a family-run business and are invested in the project as individuals. We love that they are genuine and authentic. We love when our sponsors come out with us on projects,” Sam said.
Blue Duck Vodka’s contribution will enable Sam and his team to maintain their 350 traps in and around whio breeding grounds. The programme has helped the struggling whio population breed successfully over the past three years. Prior to that, the population had dwindled to an alarming number of only four pairs of mature adults in the area. However, since the Eastern Whio Link team started laying traps whio numbers are on the rise and 54 chicks have been bred successfully.
Blue Duck Vodka is committed to supporting the conservation of its namesake,
“As a business with a focus on sustainability, we believe in giving back to the environment that allows us to make our living and have so far donated over $70,000 to conservation overall in New Zealand.”
The company has donated more than $60,000 to Forest and Bird, another charity partner.
It is looking for a charity partner that works with the conservation of the black robin. In the meantime, $1 for every bottle sold of the company’s Black Robin Gin is being saved until an appropriate partner is found.