The Manutuke School tauira took part in a range of activities to do with inanga.
Tara Whaanga, from Te Ngahuru Tikotikoiere team, said engaging with the community and doing educational outreach about inanga and the importance of their habitat, was one of the aims of the project.
“We wanted to plant the seed for the tauira by getting them involved in activities needed to monitor and support the inanga spawning in our rivers and streams.
“This gives them an insight and wider view into the mahi opportunities they can get involved with in the future.
“The students also whakapapa to the inanga sites the team is monitoring and restoring, so being able to connect them with their whenua is very meaningful for me and Shaavone.”
Shaavone Brown, who is also on the team, said minnow traps were set the evening before so the students could see what critters were living in the stream.
“The next day they found inanga and freshwater koura (crayfish).”
An artificial inanga spawning habitat was created using coconut fibre, pea straw and harakeke woven together.
“After the habitat was assembled, we chose a location based on where the inanga are most likely to spawn along a stream.
“They then got their waders on and got stuck into the mahi. It was amazing to see the tauira getting involved in our taiao and they were eager to learn about the mahi.”
The team also did an eDNA test at the stream which identifies the range of species living in and using that stream.
Te Ngahuru Tikotikoiere team from Rongowhakaata Iwi Trust has been working in partnership with the council since 2021 to monitor inanga spawning and restore the habitat of spawning sites.