Re John Wells’ opinion on the Taruheru river, January 13.
While I agree with his assessment that the confluence with the Waimata and build-up of debris on the two downstream bridges stops the flow of the Taruheru during high-flow events, he also concedes that the Spartina grass has — as intended — retained silt and built up the berms which, left unchecked, will only accelerate.
Where I do disagree is his assumption that the Taruheru has lost its importance as a primary waterway.
It services a significant catchment along the north-eastern side of the Flats from Ormond to Matawhero and all the run-off from the hills that face south.
Over the past two years with significant rain events, landowners have had to endure unprecedented surface flooding from water backed up from the Taruheru stream. A number of urban dwellings were also flooded.