“He was wearing street clothes.”
Snr Sgt Aben said at this stage they do not know the identity of the man.
“We appeal to the public for any information that can help identify him.
“We hope this man is still alive, and we want to hear from him urgently if that is the case.”
Snr Sgt Aben said anyone with information about the man should get in touch with police urgently.
“Information can be provided to the crime reporting line on (06) 869 0200, with the reference ‘Kaiti Beach search’.”
A full-scale search was mounted off the beach last night and continued until around 1am.
The ECT rescue helicopter, the surf lifesaving emergency callout squad with two IRBs, the Lion Foundation Gisborne Coastguard and ground parties were involved in the search last night, and it resumed at 5.30am today.
“We have three IRBs involved today, land search parties and the rescue helicopter was called in for a couple of hours this morning,” Snr Sgt Aben said.
There was a very small swell running at the time the man went missing.