“The contributors we have so far include Ricardo and me, Maz and Jay Quinn, Jay Papworth, Jonas Te Aho, Jacob Kohn, Amy Spence, Gail Patty, Teddy Colbert and Craig Bond,” she said.
The Saturday event begins at 3pm with “tag surfing” for two hours before the party, which starts at the surf club at 6pm. It will cost $50 to attend, and that includes food and drink.
“It’s going to be a family event from 3pm till 5pm, and R18 after that.
“The tag surfing event will involve six surfers per team, with two waves per individual before they tag the next rider,” Quinn said.
“We encourage all levels of surfers to come along.
“In the clubhouse we will have surf flicks running and a display of the history of surfing in Gisborne, focusing on our successful surf athletes over the years, and some of the historical achievements of the sport in this district.
“Saturday night we hope to draw together surfers from across the generations, but particularly from the ‘90s.
“This event is a celebration of the ‘90s, which was the most progressive time of surfing in New Zealand.
“It will be bringing together all the generations incorporating the old and the young, with the older ones having opportunities to share their knowledge and experiences from over the years,” Quinn said.
The Kegged crew have events planned for later this year.
“On November 4 and 5 from 8am-2pm we will stage a workshop around surfing techniques.
“Then again on December 1 and 2, 8am- 2pm with another workshop.
“We will run what we are calling the Fish Fest that weekend, and we’re looking for sponsors for it,” she said.
“It will be a free day for our groms to learn more about surfing -— airs, barrel riding, jet-ski tow-ins and so on.
“Part of it will be a twin-fin surf board event where scores will be allocated across open, junior, women’s, and veterans’ events, with a final in each division.
“All those taking part will need to be experienced surfers.
“Again it will be based at Wainui.”
For more information email quinnsaltshack@gmail.com