“We welcome $131.9 million investment in adaptive, strengths-based learning systems to expand kaupapa Maori providers for whanau and communities.
“I want to congratulate Marama Davidson for holding the mana of our people in these spaces.
“We are proud that Minister Davidson worked with the Labour Maori caucus to ensure that $380 million is invested in putting our whanau, our mokopuna and tamariki into warm, dry and affordable homes.
“It helps address our priority to stop homelessness and restore mana motuhake to our people.
“Significant investment into the establishment of a Maori Health Authority gives Ta Mason Durie the resource he needs to build the Authority with mana-enhancing tikanga, so Maori finally receive the care we deserve.
“I will be advocating for a Takatapui unit in that new authority so that we can model to the new health system how to care for our Rainbow whanua.
“In the meantime, we hope that the additional funding for health boards and Pharmac will help reduce the disparities Maori face in our current health system.
“I also want to mihi to the Government for realising the importance of our Maori media who ensure whanau are aware of what is going on in and around the rohe with issues that may affect them.
“The commitment to Maori education, our Kohanga Reo, Maori boarding schools, and a boost in the implementation of a Te Reo Maori strategy is a reflection of protecting whakapapa.
“There is definitely more to be done but the investment into Te Ao Maori is significant so we tautoko (support) the budget for Whanau Maori.”