Geoff Milner said the inequity in health required such change in governance “if those systemic issues, which contribute towards health inequity, are to change”.
“I support it.”
Hiki Pihema asked if the chairpersons and MIRB representatives had equal status or whether the MIRB reps would act in an advisory capacity.
Mr Raihana said he supported equal participation otherwise it would not be on ‘‘the Treaty pathway’’.
Mr Scott said he understood it was an equal partnership.
Board chairman Jim Green agreed.
“The main signal is having five and five, rather than the current five and one (from MIRB).”
Josh Wharehinga said he supported the change with regional representation from MIRB.
Meredith Akuhata-Brown said people had to understand why unconscious bias continued to exist. It was a tough topic but she supported the change.
Brian Wilson said it was worth giving the change ‘‘a go’’.
“We have talked about equity concerns for many years. We’ve had slow changes. Maybe this is the beginning of a new radical way of doing it. It’s great having an iwi viewpoint sitting around the table. I think it’s a great idea.’’