The support over the past few days towards the rainbow community has been amazing, from iwi organisations Ngāti Kahungungu, Ngāi Te Rangi, our local heroes Koka Charlotte and the Poho o Rawiri whānau, Tina Ngata, our council, our Mayor Rehette and ngā pirihmana, Haley Maxwell and the Tautua Village for their constant unwavering support, Whiti Ora Tairāwhiti, Rongowhakaata Iwi Trust, Gisborne Herald, Josh Wharehinga, Aubrey Ria, teachers in charge of diversity at schools, and of course the full house of rangatahi who came to the Living Library event. The rangatahi (youth) who were brave and showed up.
The library team, you put up with a lot of abuse over the past few days, a big thank you for your steadfastness and “the show must go on” attitude.
The people of Tairāwhiti showed their true colours (pun intended) in supporting each other when it matters, regardless of race, religion, and orientation and differing opinions.
Thank you all for standing with us and protecting us with your korowai aroha. And, of course, Erika and Coco Flash.
Chris Shotton