Raroa Station sold two pens of store ewes, for fattening, being paid $50.50 and $37.
Best prices —
Prime ewes: Raroa Station, 2, $85, 14, $63; Windfall Orchard Ltd, 8, $81; WB Cameron, 2, $80, 5, $67; T Roger Holden, 2, $75; IH & LJ Kirkpatrick, 6, $68, 7, $64; Brett Ingram, 3, $65.
Store lambs: IH & LJ Kirkpatrick, 17, $110, 10, $84; D Mullooly, 10, $76; Brett Ingram, 11, $70; K&M Utting & Pohatu, 3, $68, 3, $51; WB Cameron, 8, $64; J Lepper, 5, $60; G Neilson, 10, $60; RT & S Bracken, 5, $51.
Store ewes: Brett Ingram, 10, $51; Raroa Station, 42, $50.50, 34, $37.