In the store pens Mangatoitoi Station, at Ngatapa, had six pens of store lambs, mostly wethers, the top pick of 159 selling for $126. Eastland Farms Ltd — Strathblane Station, offered two pens of scanned in lamb, five-and six-year ewes, mated to a Hampshire ram from April 1. They were in good condition, with one totwo year mouths.
The best line of 55 sold for $140 and the 2nd cut of 132 for $138.
Best prices:
Prime lambs: Kerry Ellmers, 1, $150; W&KJ Waite, 2, $142, 6, $140, 4, $135; BJ Middleton, 15, $137; BRN Rolls, 8, $131.50; Monkey Town Holdings, 8, $127.50, 6, $127; Grants Panel Shop, 11, $127, 12, $115.
Store male lambs: Mangatoitoi Station, 159, $126, 366, $123.50, 83, $108, 170, $100, 21, $50; Eastland Farms Ltd - Strathblane Station, 33, $123.50, 11, $73; Pihitia Station, 94, $110, 17, $75.
Store ewe lambs: Mangatoitoi Station, 25, $90.50; Marotiri Farm P/S, 26, $80; Eastland Farms Ltd — Strathblane Station, 13, $70, 15, $68, 11, $65.