The state of emergency has been lifted in Tairāwhiti but widespread damage remains on a sodden and exhausted community.
Gisborne Mayor Rehette Stoltz lifted the state of emergency this afternoon, effective from 12 noon Sunday 25 June.
Torrential and persistent rain earlier this week and a less-than-ideal forecast saw the state of emergency declared at 4.45pm on Thursday 22 June.
While Tairāwhiti didn’t receive the predicted amount of rain, what did fall still managed to create havoc, with landslides, extensive damage to both the local and state highway roading networks.
Rainfall tallies for the past week tell the tale of the tape, with 565mms at Raparapaririki, inland from Ruatoria, 494mm at the Fernside Station telemetry station, inland from Tokomaru Bay, with a number of other Coast sites in excess of 400mms. Mangapoike recorded 410mms, Waerenga-o-Kuri had 235mms, with the Waipaoa Station receiving 227mms, and Gisborne Airport 185mms.