Once upon a time there were relatively few limits on what you could think or say.
This is not the case any more, as unpopular/contrary opinions and responses can bring about heavy-handed censorship, and often a very personalised and rabid attack!
Parameters in some public and educational sectors are so deeply entrenched or governed that people have literally been silenced or are too afraid to share what they think or believe.
As much as some people are acutely aware of what appears to be strategic grooming and conditioning to a new era of human communication, just as many others appear to be blissfully unaware.
What has occurred, whereby we find ourselves in this peculiar and very troubling predicament?
Is a spirit of division and accusation actively at work?
What I find even more frightening is that this very culture is now strongly seeded in mainstream society.
Another factor at play is public indifference brought about by ever-increasing and consuming financial and social hardship.
What can or should we do? To do nothing is an option, but with not a particularly bright outcome.
To speak out collectively is important, but without attacking or condemning others.
In order to facilitate a healthy resistance to what is happening in regard to censorship of speech and thought, appropriate leadership is paramount.
Looking back through human history, who might stand out as an exemplary model to replicate?
Is it time to take a stand?
Russell Tolley