One “yes” voter said, “If it were a private business it would have gone belly-up a long time ago. It's been poorly managed for years.”
Another in favour said the vehicle station had been an “albatross around GDC's neck for years. Get it sold.”
One “yes” voter said if the business had become unviable and qualified staff were not available (as nationwide), then perhaps “it is time to sell up and put money to better use”.
A “no” voter said the testing station was a community asset and the council should not sell it.
Another said if it was making a profit and the council earned income from it, it should not be sold.
“It should be kept to ease the burden on ratepayers.”
Another “no” voter said, “If it is a financial asset, retain it”.
The council had not said why it needed to be sold.
An undecided voter said, “it is a done deal, what we may think or say won't make any difference”.