A109 Light Utility Helicopter flight with mayor Gisborne City from the air in November 2023.
Yesterday morning on TV1’s “Breakfast” we saw news presenter Hillary Barry seriously step over the mark in her position, which cannot be biased at all. Television news presenters have an important job to do. Freedom of speech is a most important right, that we all have and have fought for.
The part they play is to give everybody a fair go and report absolutely accurately. It must be balanced.
We have all read with interest people’s views in our letters to the editor, on television and radio. It is our right to contribute and read, and it must be respected because everybody means well. The Donald Trump regime that I have described as “the doctor” for America was elected democratically by Americans. Many media outlets have certainly taken sides and allegedly have been funded to do that. Don’t forget the “silent majority” voted him in.
In the UK it has been mooted the media will be investigated. Trump in my opinion is acting similarly to what Brexit was all about. The silent majority voted and the prime reason was because Britain has been overwhelmed by immigrants with totally different religious and cultural backgrounds, such as many wives to one man. Locals objected that one man claimed the benefit many times through many wives living in different houses, as one example.
Trump’s latest policy is much the same as Britain’s Brexit. The targeted immigrants are from countries that have been exporting terrorism.
Yesterday morning Hillary Barry received a letter of support from somebody exercising his freedom of speech and supporting Trump in “draining the swamp” and “making America Great Again”. She screwed up his letter on the “Breakfast” show and threw it at the camera. I was shocked. I asked TV1 for a public apology from her but so far there has been none.