A109 Light Utility Helicopter flight with mayor Gisborne City from the air in November 2023.
Re: CBD parking meters.
As an old hat, I was so used to the old meters, so it was time to change. After parking in Peel St outside the library, I walked down to the new meter and followed the instructions: rego and money entered, all good, pressed for a
receipt and nothing. So I went to the library entrance, only to be told that those doors are closed because of Covid and I would have to enter the Bright St side.
So with my money already spent in Peel St, I went to Bright St, parked in a park and went to load more money into another meter.
However, a lovely meter lady happened along and I asked for her advice. She was wonderful and explained the paperless parking payment system to me. I asked if she could check if I paid — which she did, and yes I had.
Dave Irvine