Not all the fridges were being given out at once because in some cases the houses were not ready for them.
The Gisborne club had been given $6000 by Rotary International and $10,500 as its share of contributions from Rotarians around New Zealand and in Australia to help affected residents in their recovery.
“And more will be coming,” Mr Callender said.
Some grant money was being held back a few months so it would be available when the dust had settled and more significant longer-term issues might become evident. At a local level, the Gisborne club was also liaising with Civil Defence personnel to be aware of needs that arose “down the track”.
The need for fridge-freezers, in Te Karaka in particular, became apparent to Mr Callender when he was in the township doing recovery work in the cyclone’s aftermath.
“One of my jobs was squashing fridge-freezers that had been ruined by contaminated floodwaters,” he said. “The need seemed obvious.”
The Rev Winnie Douglas, of Te Karaka, was the first person to receive one of the fridge-freezers.