“The committee visited the site and listened to and considered carefully all the evidence placed before us.”
In its reserved decision, the committee notes that the parties have met four times since the application and various matters of consent have been agreed between them.
Outstanding issues remainIt says outstanding issues remain over the number and qualification of the security personnel that will be employed on the site, and a confirmed and finalised security plan is to be provided.
The committee noted the police preference for a 30-minute earlier introduction of the one-way-door policy for the festival bars, noting also their concern that patrons could leave the festival and head to town.
On balance, the committee has accepted the hours suggested by chief licensing inspector Judith Robertson.
The one-way-door policy will apply in the festival area from 11.30pm on December 29 and 30 and from 2.30am on December 31.
In the two camping grounds, the one-way-door policy will apply from 12.30am on December 29.
The hours for alcohol sales in the festival area are 2pm to midnight on December 29 and 30 and 2pm to 5.30am on December 31.
In the two camping grounds alcohol can be sold from 2pm to 12.30am on December 28 and 10am to 2.30pm on the following three days.
Alcohol units per sale will be restricted to not more than four units per transaction or not more than two units of wine.
From 4am to 6am on January 1, sales will be limited to one unit per transaction.
Other conditions are that the applicant must have a range of substantial choices of food available at a reasonable price, ensure information about alternative terms of transport is available and implement measures within its alcohol management plan to promote reasonable consumption of alcohol and risk management.