A Hauora Tairawhiti spokesman said anyone with symptoms of the flu should self-isolate until they can get a Covid-19 test.
“It's important that we try to slow the spread and avoid a large surge in cases at one time, which would affect our essential services, our schools, emergency services and our hospitals.
“Over 4000 rapid antigen tests have been distributed over the past 48 hours. Thank you for your patience while we work through this period of high demand for the tests.
“We have seen a rise in the number of children who are testing positive for Covid-19.
“Without vaccination, Omicron can produce severe symptoms in children. We are now sitting at 40.8 percent for vaccinated five-to-11-year-olds. Please get your tamariki vaccination as soon as possible.”
Over the month of February, 47 children under 12 have tested positive, with the under five years group, who are unable to get vaccinated, accounting for eight of those cases.
Teenagers are also among those with high positive case numbers, with 16-to-18-year-olds making up 63 positive cases.
Anyone collecting RATs on behalf of someone will need the person's NHI number or name and date of birth.
“Tests cannot be given out without those details.
Household contacts of a positive case will need to collect RAT tests, too, for tests on days three and 10.
The minimum age for a RAT test is six months.
“Remember, if you test positive from a rapid test, you are classified as positive for Covid-19 and don't need a follow-up PCR nasal swab. Report your result in your My Covid Record.”
■ For support, go online to covid19.health.nz/advice/positive
■ For where to get vaccinated go online to bit.ly/3o38iZP
■ For where to get tested go online to bit.ly/3Brsyd8
■ For a Covid plan, go to www.covid19.govt.nz/be-prepared