Seventy seven percent of residents were satisfied with the council’s waste management and 84 percent with its recycling services.
There was satisfaction also with the council’s sharing of information on its website, updates via social media and publications. All three increased from the previous year with the website at 72 percent, 71 percent with social media updates and 58 percent with newsletters and consultation documents.
Although the number of admissions for the 40 year old Olympic Pool continued to decline, survey results showed that 73 percent of residents were satisfied with the pool. A business case has been prepared for its redevelopment.
There was a nine percent increase to 49 percent of residents satisfied with how the council spent its rates on services and facilities but that fell well short of the target figure of 60 percent.
Although the overall performance on roading of 59 percent was considered acceptable, aspects identified for attention included cycle safety (35 percent) and the condition of rural roads (36).
The percentage of residents satisfied with the council’s 130 parks and reserves including sports grounds remained the same at 80 and 75 percent respectively. The report was confident that the new five year maintenance contract and the contract to five local contractors to look after townships would increase that.
The percentage of stakeholders satisfied with the council’s community engagement on strategy and plan development slipped from 83 to 69 percent. That fell short of the 95 percent target that might be unrealistic.
The performance and satisfaction measures are due to be discussed at a finance and audit committee meeting on November 30.