For non-urgent medical advice or assistance people are advised to call Healthline, 0800 611 116 for free 24/7 (
For help with illness or injury people should make an appointment with their GP or see the local pharmacist.
If, during the strike, there is a medical emergency, or sudden deterioration in health, the public is asked to call 111 or go to the nearest emergency department immediately.
“Do not delay seeking help if you or someone else is in a serious or life-threatening condition.”
The hospital and emergency departments will remain open throughout the strike, and anyone staying in hospital during this time will still receive the care and support they need.
New Zealand Nurses Organisation chief executive Paul Goulter said members would provide life- preserving services at all hospitals and work sites for the duration of the strike.
The union would proceed with the strike unless members, including nurses, midwives, health care assistants and kaimahi hauora (Māori health worker providing tautoko or cultural support and advice), voted to ratify the recently received offer.
A ratification vote on the offer opened on August 1 and will close on Monday.
The recent pay equity agreement is a separate issue.