The focus was on improving the health and wellbeing of the Tairāwhiti team through physical fitness and a holistic approach.
“This initiative directly aligns with our organisation’s mission of delivering primary care that supports all people to thrive by realising their health and wellbeing potential.”
It also follows their vision of “kia hauora te katoa, kia puaawai te katoa — everyone healthy, everyone thriving”.
“By investing in our staff’s wellbeing we empower them to be their best selves both at work and in their personal lives, ultimately contributing to a healthier, happier community,” she said.
“This initiative also provides an exciting opportunity for our clinicians to experience the ups and downs of an exercise journey that builds on how we can better relate to and support the whānau we work with,” Faeanza said.
“With an increasing focus by our team on empowering whānau to self-manage health conditions, through group delivery, peer support and the ongoing support of non-clinical kaimahi the team hope to use their own experiences to better promote the significant benefits of regular exercise on physical and mental health.”
The team started their exercise journey this week.