The big question of the past three weeks, though, was whether Peters and NZ First would be needed to form a government and that has now been answered in the affirmative.
NZ Herald senior political correspondent Audrey Young made the point yesterday that if Prime Minister-elect Christopher Luxon needed Peters, he would be better to have a coalition with both NZ First and Act in Cabinet, or both parties supporting from outside Cabinet (while still holding ministerial positions). Having just one party in Cabinet with its leader potentially as deputy PM would be “problematic” for the other party.
“Both leaders are professional but they are at heart combative,” she wrote. “The fact is while NZ First and Act are chalk and cheese on economic nationalism, they are in the same political marketplace on many issues and the new arrangement of government should constrain their rivalry, not encourage it.”
Young said having both parties in Cabinet would likely mean they act more cohesively and take a more consensus approach to decision-making, and that would be attractive to Luxon. His repeated insistence that they will form a strong and stable government also indicates this is the most likely outcome.
The big question now is what policy wins Act and NZ First get in their respective negotiations.