People have become relatively poorer over the past 50 years while others have more wealth than they know what to do with.
We’ve gone from only one household income earner being able to buy a house, a nice car, save a little and go on holidays . . . then that one income wasn’t enough, so a second income was needed to pay the bills. Initially the work could be part time, but then it progressed to full time. Families were forced to cut back, couldn’t save and renting became more common than buying a house.
We’ve now got to the point where two incomes are often not enough to keep the bills paid and a roof over the heads of a family or individual.
We’ve since progressed to people going hungry and at times being homeless. Sharing a home with others is forced on people who cannot otherwise survive or keep their homes. Private debt has increased and people live on credit.
I’m not sure where we go next because options are running out. Something has to change and quickly.