If anyone is “inept on climate issues” (Oct 6 letter), Bill Gates surprisingly is. He is not a fount of wisdom. His renowned promotion of energy alternatives is firmly rooted in a mindset of continuing catastrophic growth, so if he now preaches against “climate exaggeration” it will be because the degrowth movement has blossomed globally since he wrote his book.
No wiser is your volatile correspondent, who quoted Gates and also wrote: “A LGM (Labour-Green-Māori) government would be catastrophic for the economy and country at large — dealing with any climate issues would be the least of our worries”. This is wrong on at least four counts.
1. “Economy” here clearly means the growth economy, which of course is the source of catastrophes, not just natural ones but right down to shortages, shipping, low morale, inequality and the cost of living.
2. It implies the economy is more important than the environment, which is ludicrous. What’s happening to the climate and natural world is not the least but the greatest of our worries, and the time to fix it is now. Another three years would be catastrophic for our supporting environment —and yes, in consequence, for the economy.
3. “At large” applied to our economy and our country is small-minded, not large. It’s thinking local and acting global, by competing with and exploiting the rest of the world. It’s the environment that’s large, and we who are small. The business mind is a small one if divorced from its environment.