Dr Joy was asked by a senior Green Party member which party he would vote for in the upcoming election. He replied, no doubt to the disappointment of the questioner and other Green Party supporters in the audience, “None”!
If Gavin was as honest as Dr Joy, he would admit that the Green Party, alongside the Labour Govt, have been the major driver of all the above green-washing measures and they are still promoting them heavily.
So, indeed, it is his own party which has been in Govt for six years, and Minister James Shaw, who are deserving of his criticism, rather than Christopher Luxon who called the Govt’s $140m gift to NZ Steel from the taxpayers’ purse “corporate welfare” — and rightly so.
And unlike Minister Shaw who promoted subsidising EVs, Mr Luxon promised to repeal such subsidies.
Dr Joy, while speaking up against the fallacy of the ETS, was in favour of measuring individuals’ carbon footprints — a policy right out of the WEF (World Economic Forum) manual for world control that will be catastrophic in so many different ways; even worse than the ETS. When I asked him about it afterwards, he justified it by saying that those who can afford to fly, for example, can pay a tax to go to those who do not travel, and so on!
Oh, yes, those arriving in WEF meetings with their private jets can continue to pollute unrestrained as they can afford it — and if you believe the myth, they will pay for their chosen lifestyle, while lecturing the rest of us to eat bugs, own nothing and be happy about the virtues of equality!
I find it extremely hypocritical that in the week the Labour Govt announced its deal with BlackRock, Gavin casts his gaze to Luxon!
I agree with Dr Joy that Net Zero is a sham and guess which party is promoting it hysterically? Yes, the Green Party!
Isn’t it time for Green Party supporters to acknowledge their party is not Green any more (not even close!) and that it has become a tool for WEF and for most environmentally-damaging policies? Not to mention their costs to humanity?
Club of Rome?! Do you mean the forerunner of WEF? Perhaps the idea of degrowth and “the urgency of the environmental crisis pressing upon us” should be explained to those arriving in WEF meetings in their private jets to set policies for us all? Maybe you can ask Hipkins to discuss that with Klaus Schwab next time they meet in China or elsewhere!