More people are receiving JobSeeker Support payments in Tairāwhiti but our unemployment rate remains at 4.5 percent — the same as in 2022 — there was a smidgen of employment growth last year, and our young people are more likely to be in employment, education or training. This as our
Our labour market, social indicators
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A109 Light Utility Helicopter flight with mayor Gisborne City from the air in November 2023.
Among social indicators covered in the monitor, other benefit recipients (including sole parent and supported living payments) increased by 3.6 percent to an average of 3470 people in 2023, just ahead of the national increase of 3.0 percent.
In the year to September 2023, only 35.9 percent of school students here attended greater than 90 percent of classes (compared with 50.6 percent nationally), down from 36.6 percent in the previous 12 months.
Gaming machine profits increased by 8.6 percent to $13.2 million in the year to September 2023, less than the national increase of 15.5 percent.
The crime rate in Tairāwhiti was 459 (per 10,000 residents) in 2023, up 4.8 percent from 438 in 2022. The crime rate nationwide last year was also up 5 percent, to 236 per 10,000 residents (led by a more than 25 percent increase in theft and traffic offences). Over the past eight years, the annual average crime rate in Tairāwhiti peaked at 806 in March 2017.
An editorial on housing indicators covered in the monitor, which are of critical importance at this time of crisis in public housing and surging rental costs since 2019, will run next week.