“Additionally, the Kahutia Street intersection will be trialled as a left-hand-turn-only intersection and there will be new road art. The art piece will be a work by Sir Derek Lardelli called Tai Uehā. It’s basically linking the project to the whenua . . . to the people who were here before colonisation, who are here now, and who will be here into the future.”
While understanding that “man does not live by bread alone”, I would prefer to see money spent on pothole and surface remediation in the city. I am now routinely splitting my attention between the road condition and making sense of other drivers and traffic situations.
There is one pothole on the Ballance Street hill, on the left as you go up around the bend, which is surely lurking to capture an unwary wheel/axle assembly. Even one of the ubiquitous orange cones would perhaps be a help?
I am also firmly in Roger Handford’s camp, in terms of the use of extravagant and meaningless language, which seems to me to serve wider communication poorly.
Ron Taylor AHE (Aged humanoid entity)