Heather van Wyk’s call for a gallery dedicated to the museum’s permanent collection of art is an excellent one that will be supported by many people in this district.
The topic arose from time to time in my years on the Museum Board and considering the space made available after the unfortunate removal of the Jack Richards’ collection, here is the perfect opportunity to provide this region with the opportunity to appreciate our rarely seen wealth of fine art.
Few locals would realise that the permanent collection is of great value in all respects of that term, but how often can any of it be appreciated? Imagine a selection of it being hung so that it could be appreciated by locals and visitors alike. Gradual changes could be made at intervals each year so that in time, all of it was displayed in rotation.
The previous status and quality of the Richards’ collection should be followed by a range of framed works that would impress by its variety and high standard. There should be no reason to hide this light under a bushel, especially after a long period in which acquisitions have accrued but are denied the light of day.
Norman Maclean