A109 Light Utility Helicopter flight with mayor Gisborne City from the air in November 2023.
Re: Two fatal accidents, October 27 story.
Kia Ora my name is Mena Walker of Rangitukia now residing in Brisbane, Australia. I am the nephew of the man who passed away near Tikitiki. Firstly, I would like to address the statement made by a member of the public, who was
not my immediate family member. The statement made was not a true reflection of my uncle's life, achievements and recreational activities. My uncle did not drink for the past 20 years and my family are upset that this person has added fuel to any gossip and malicious rumours that are in circulation. I would like the person who made this statement to come forward to me or my Aunty to discuss this further. Right or wrong, we the family are taking the hit not you. Nga Mihi
Mena Walker, Brisbane