A109 Light Utility Helicopter flight with mayor Gisborne City from the air in November 2023.
Replying to Ken Orr's letter of August 31 wherein he states “our dignity is conferred on us by our creator at conception”. Can he please stop conferring on me the benefit of his skewed perception of the world.
He also advises from his superior perspective that the community should be
aware that loss of dignity is not criteria for accessing physician-assisted dying. Not only do I believe the “community” is well aware of this, I also believe people are well aware of the religious dogma which permeates every argument he makes.
Subscribing to Orr's belief system, voters may well decide to vote against the EOLC Act at the coming referendum, which is their right of course. Hopefully there are sufficient voters who are not blinkered by dogma, to see the EOLC Act for what it is — compassionate legislation designed to ease suffering, and well overdue at that.
Mr Orr will bring in every possible argument to oppose the Act, but sanctified suffering is his alternative to compassion. I would never wish to deny him his choice, and would appreciate being shown the same consideration. This is what we will be voting for, choice.
John Watson, Otaki