SIX major national organisations and three based in Gisborne have lodged appeals in the Environment Court against the Gisborne Regional Freshwater Plan. Gisborne District Council adopted the plan in August, the first in the country under the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2011, to guide the management of freshwater
Nine appeals against GDC’s freshwater plan
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Environmental and science manager Lois Easton told the committee there had been concerns the Gisborne plan, the first in the country, would be a battleground for national issues. In a Ministry for the Environment review on the council’s freshwater management, published in August, council staff expressed concern the plan would become a “costly and time-consuming legal battleground” for national sector groups trying to establish national precedents.
When the Government’s National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management took effect in 2011, Gisborne was one of only two regions that did not have a specific freshwater plan. The council was subsequently the first in the country to adopt a plan under the new NPS guidelines. Sector groups consulted in that review indicated they would put full resources into the Gisborne plan legal challenges.
Ms Easton told the environmental planning and regulations committee that while there had been concerns, and many of the appeals were from national organisations, the appeals were very much about the Gisborne plan. While it looked like a long list, there were a lot of common things.
The appeals have closed but people still have until October 20 to become parties to the appeals. Mediation will then take place. Ms Kohere said their intention was to minimise the costs through pre-hearing mediation.
“We will aim to facilitate as much of the mediation process as possible, with legal guidance sought where required.”
Where agreements were reached the plan would be changed, while issues they could not reach agreement on would go to an Environment Court hearing.
“Only when agreements can’t be reached will appeals be referred to the Environment Court,” Ms Kohere said.
Committee chairwoman Pat Seymour said the process could take up to a year.
What was appealedDepartment of Conservation
Policy and Objective links to impacts on coastal waters.Biodiversity offsets for wetlands.Priority for water during water shortage.Impact of bores on wetlands.
Eastern Fish and Game
Survival water.Trout and fish passage.Game bird shooting structures.Cropping setbacks.
Te Whanau a Kai
Provisions throughout the plan impacting on customary traditions and cultural interests, inconsistency with the Treaty of Waitangi.
Mangatu Blocks and Wi Pere Trust
Definition of intensive stock grazing including sheep and goat dairy.Scope of farm environment plans.Waipaoa Catchment Plan water quality limits and targets for sediment, dissolved inorganic nitrogen, dissolved reactive phosphate, temperature.
Eastland Wood Council
Inclusion of Schedule 7 (protected watercourses.)Cable hauling across streams.Waipaoa Catchment Plan, forestry non-regulatory project.Federated Farmers
Water quantity policies — renewals.Stock drinking water rule.Definitions — feed crop, feed lot, feed pad.Farm environment plan certification and implementation requirements.Scope of Farm Environment Plan.
Fire and Emergency NZ
Water takes and discharges from firefighting training.
Ministry of Defence
Water takes for firefighting and defence training.
Horticulture New Zealand
A range of definitions related to intensive farming and water allocation.Objective 8 and policies around research and monitoring provisions relating to cost — who pays.Policies and rules around over-allocation, water transfers and survival water.Policies around water quality limits discharges and restrictions.Priority for water during water shortage.Rules around field tile drains, bores and water takes.Farm environment plan requirements and provisions.Summary tables in the Waipaoa Catchment Plan.