Parts of Gisborne coloured blue that would face an extreme flood risk at a sea level rise of 2m. Picture by NIWA Coastal Flood Layers Viewer
A huge swathe of Gisborne, including the airport, would be inundated by extreme coastal flooding if sea levels rise, new research shows.
New maps from NIWA and the Deep South National Science Challenge show areas across New Zealand that could be inundated by extreme coastal flooding. They show a large
storm-tide with the sea-level rise that the country is likely to see with climate change.
The map shows at an extreme sea-level rise of 2m, an area from Waikanae Stream to Taurau Valley Road would be inundated, comprising the whole of Awapuni Rd, Centennial Marine Drive, TUAraki Rd and Wharerata Rd to just before Manutuke.
Niwa’s Dr Scott Stephens, chief scientist for coasts and estuaries says that these maps will help shape decisions on how New Zealand adapts to sea-level rise.
“Coastal flooding is a global hazard that impacts New Zealand, with rising sea levels already causing more frequent and intense flooding along many coasts. We have created maps that help identify the changing risk to land, property, and infrastructure from rising seas, at a regional and national scale.