In the previous financial year the Cancer Society:
■ Supported 111 people through their cancer journey, 60 percent female, 40 percent male, and roughly 50 percent Māori engagement
■ Ran two exercise programmes with 31 participants.
■ In the second half of the year the focus had been on extending services up the Coast, with regular visits to Te Puia Springs Hospital (depending on road access).
■ 54 clients benefited from massage services with a total of 154 sessions delivered.
■ Increased demand for counselling — nine clients received 28 sessions in the last financial year.
The society greatly appreciated the “amazing volunteers who generously continue to donate their time and energy”.
■ Five drivers help transport clients to and from medical treatment appointments.
■ Eight receptionists provided 467 hours of friendly and competent office support.
■ 688 hours of fundraising support including Relay Your Way, Counter Box collection and Mother’s Day,
■ Flower box sales, Whenua calendar sales and scrap metal collection and processing.
■ 63 volunteers (including 43 school students) involved in the Daffodil Day street appeal.
■ Significant numbers of student and adult support with rural daffodil picks, counter boxes, raffle tables and deliveries to local businesses over the month of August.
The report acknowledges the branch trustees as “a vital part of our centre leadership”.
“The society appreciates all the support and guidance from this dedicated and hardworking group of people who volunteer their time.
“Volunteers are thanked throughout the year with emails, cards and small gifts.”
The report gives special mention “and huge thanks” to Daryl Gowers, “our volunteer and fundraiser extraordinaire” who works tirelessly to support the centre. He raised over $47,000 this financial period.
Relay for Life (March 2023)
With just five weeks to go, Gisborne and the East Coast was ravaged by Cyclone Gabrielle meaning the annual Relay for Life had to be called off.
Relay your Way was an alternative for any teams who wanted (and had capacity) to continue fundraising for the society.
A total of $46,626 of the original $100,000 goal was raised, “something our community should be commended for, given the level of loss after the cyclone”.
Small gift bags were created for survivors and carers, with donations from local businesses, and the centre hosted a beautiful “light up the night” event where the public were able to display their illuminated candle bags on the society’s front lawn.
Mother’s Day
Covid meant the cancellation of the society’s Mother’s Day High Tea so instead flower boxes were created, with donations of contents from Countdown and local florists. Eighty boxes were sold and were very well received, generating around $2600 after expenses.
Daffodil Day/Street Appeal
The society hosted or took part in multiple events, including the Gisborne Home and Lifestyle Show, stalls outside Bunnings, Mitre10, The Warehouse, Countdown and Pakn’Save.
These sold raffle tickets, merchandise, fresh daffodils, took donations and in some cases the business involved hosted a sausage sizzle on the society’s behalf.
The vintage car club did their annual run up the Coast.
The society received fresh daffodils donated from Māhia and volunteers did picks of beautiful wild bunches from Eastwoodhill and Te Karaka.
The gross income from these efforts was $40,467.
Working with Gisborne’s PGG Wrightson and the ANZ, the annual stock sale brought in over $62,000.
Whenua: The Calendar.
This project was a one-off for the Cancer Society with the blessing of the late Peggy Ericson’s family.
A calendar from local artists “to celebrate her extensive service” to the Cancer Society along with “her love and connection to art” raised around $6000.
Sincere thanks were extended to generous funders including ECCT, Trust Tairāwhiti, Sunrise Foundation, CM Laing Charitable Trust, COGS, Lottery Grants Board, Grassroots Trust Grant, and NZ Community Trusts. Special thanks were also expressed to ANZ Bank for their ongoing commitment to the Cancer Society.
The society received grants of $73,000 and bequests of $27,000 and total income of $372,000. Expenditure totalled $385,000.