The Trust Tairāwhiti Eastland Rescue Helicopter crews have received new flight helmets, thanks to a $12,000 grant from the New Zealand Community Trust. Chopper pilot Tony Brice (left) and crewman Max Neustroski are pictured with the new head gear. Picture supplied
New Zealand Community Trust has awarded Gisborne’s Eastland Helicopter Rescue Trust a grant of $12,000 to purchase two Alpha Eagle Dual Visor Flight Helmets.
The specialist headgear helps equip the Trust Tairāwhiti Eastland Rescue Helicopter that undertakes hundreds of flights a year to offer emergency care and transport to those
who suffer medical or trauma events, and to assist in search and rescue missions.
The teams of pilots, critical care flight paramedics and crewmen operate 24/7 flying to all corners of the region, especially remote areas where access is difficult, services are limited, and the need is great.
They need the right gear to do that.
To ensure they are not sent off-kilter by heavy night-vision goggles, the $6000 helmets are custom-fitted for each team member and incorporate visors, communications, and a noise-cancelling feature to prevent pilot fatigue.