“David brings strong commercial, financial and engagement experience to the board table,” Mr Jones said.
“Together with trustees, we look forward to working alongside David as we head into an impactful new year for the trust.”
With whakapapa to Te Arawa, Mr Battin has lived in Tūranganui-a-Kiwa for the past 15 years.
He has held governance roles on several trusts, including chair of the National Māori Accountants Network – Ngā Kaitatau Māori o Aotearoa and a trustee of Tairāwhiti Whenua Charitable Trust.
Mr Battin acknowledged Mr Clarke for his significant contributions to Trust Tairāwhiti during his two-and-a-half years as chair.
“John has provided invaluable guidance and expertise around the trust table, and we’re fortunate to have him continue with the board.
“ It’s a privilege to be appointed by my fellow trustees as chair, and I look forward to the challenges and opportunities that await us.”