“We loved seeing them take the Covid pandemic in their stride, thinking of others such as their loved ones before themselves. And we love how many learned how to use tablets and smartphones, so they could still connect face-to-face with their loved ones.
“Over the next 50 years, the number of older persons in the world will grow from about 600 million to almost 2 billion. Today, one person in 10 is aged 60 or over. By 2050, this will be one person in five, and by 2150, one in three. Such a major demographic change presents huge challenges.
“The International Day of Older Persons reminds us of the significant contributions that older people make in our lives to overcome global challenges and how they find solutions with resilience and strength. The day also raises awareness of the importance of leaving no one behind. The voices, perspectives and needs of older people are critical to creating meaningful input into developing and growing our communities to meet the future needs for today’s younger generation.”
It was important for ageing issues to be mainstreamed into Gisborne District Council and other key stakeholder policies and future strategies, Mrs Aston said.
“These agencies need to pursue age-friendly environments free of physical and social barriers, and enable older persons to realise their potential, by engaging in dialogue to enhance the protection of older persons’ human rights, while recognising their contribution to sustainable development in our community.
“The active participation of older persons in society and its development is based on providing older persons with the opportunity to continue contributing to society. These contributions reach beyond their economic activities and extend into their roles in families and in the community. Participation in social, economic, cultural, sporting, recreational and volunteer activities also contribute to the growth and maintenance of the personal wellbeing of older persons.
“The 2023 Day of Older Persons is a call to action and an opportunity to embrace the voice of older persons and to display their resilience and contribution in society.”
To celebrate the day, the Tairāwhiti Positive Ageing Trust in association with Community Gisborne have organised the free concert next Sunday, October 1.
“A koha at the door would be appreciated to support the Sunshine Bus Service.”