The five are Mullooly, a senior shearer working in Piopio and Australia; Hazel Wood, a junior shearer and dairy farmer based in Ruawai; Pagan Karauria, a senior shearer and open woolhandler based in Alexandra; Emily Welch, an open level shearer, shearing contractor and current world record holder for shearing 648 sheep in a day; and Jill Angus Burney, an open level shearer, former world record holder and barrister based in Masterton.
The documentary was produced by Rialto Distribution in association with the New Zealand Film Commission and Miss Conception Films.
The film premiered at the New Zealand International Film Festival in July/August, with Nicol described as “applying camera poetry to the agility, strength, skill and rhythmic grace of women wielding blades of steel”.
In an item on the film’s premiere, TVNZ’s Seven Sharp presenter Hilary Barry hailed it as “a stunning slice of rural life and the gutsy women who share a passion for shearing”.