That date would give younger people plenty of warning time to plan and accept it.
“I think it’s a reasonable suggestion.
“It will affect our 40-year-olds.”
Unlike Act, National would not abolish the winter energy payment for superannuitants.
The aged-care sector needed more support for the services they provided.
“It’s an important sector, and one we’ve got to fix.”
National would repeal water reforms and leave water infrastructure under the control of the original owners, local bodies.
Ms Kirkpatrick said the major issues remained the same in the East Coast electorate — education, cost of living and law and order.
She was alarmed only 11.7 percent of Year 8 students (in decile 1 schools) had age-appropriate writing skills.
National wanted an emphasis on writing, reading and mathematics.
“We know education is the pathway to the future. It’s what our kids need to do.”
It was a case of getting the basics right and having the kids achieving.
Education achievements had to be measured to ensure progress was being made, she said.
Ms Kirkpatrick will host National Party leader Christopher Luxon in Gisborne on Monday.