A109 Light Utility Helicopter flight with mayor Gisborne City from the air in November 2023.
Active lifestyle cut short, court told
A man enjoying his fitness, cycling in his senior years, suddenly found himself hospitalised for 10 weeks and facing months of physical rehabilitation after a motorist knocked him off his bike.
The driver responsible, Johnny Maindonald-Ropotini, 27, was in his vehicle on Hirini Street,
Gisborne, waiting behind a log truck to turn on to Gladstone Road, when the incident happened about 9am on January 13, 2022. Without warning, Maindonald-Ropitini suddenly turned left on to the forecourt of the adjacent Mobile service station, striking the cyclist who had come up alongside him.
The impact of the collision left the cyclist with a shattered pelvis, fractured collar bone, and eight fractured ribs.
After his lengthy stint in hospital, he now had four pins holding his pelvis together. He had needed to have rails installed in his shower, had to have physiotherapy and get a gym membership — all of which was costly, the court was told. Accident Compensation Commission initially footed the bill for the gym but would not do so going forward.