Sonya Smith, leader or spokesperson for the Rocket Lab Monitor Group trying to convince New Zealanders that we are being misled by Rocket Lab . . . Sonya, it is your outfit that has been misleading New Zealanders and the Government, and now your outfit is threatening “property destruction”.
Because of your actions, Rocket Lab has already put “robust security” in place.
Rocket Lab’s senior communications director Morgan Bailey has always replied and answered all the misleading queries that your group has put out to New Zealand.
I have been to many Rocket Lab presentations at the Kaiuku Marae over the years and your group disrupts the meetings and scares the older people. The Mahia protest group numbers about six. There are generally 30 to 40 locals at the meetings which run for over three hours and the presentation doesn’t make the halfway mark.
The presentation at the Mokotahi Hall has 50 to 60 in attendance and that lasts one and a half hours. No disruptions and plenty of sensible questions. Please note there are representatives from the land owners there.