Many developing countries are effectively “owned” by China through its investment in their infrastructure. Now we have a political party wanting China to finance the extending and much-needed maintenance of our roadways.
China already calls the shots in controlling our export sector. Ramping up its infrastructure investment here could allow it to force further incursions into the South Pacific zone in the guise of protecting its interests. Aoteroa/NZ could even become a convenient military station for China in its push for political and military influence in this region.
Already China has sent us some subtle and not-so-subtle reminders of its political power over us through seemingly bogus hold-ups in accepting some of our exports.
After our next general election we could end up with a Government prepared to sell our independence to the highest bidder.
Looks like we need to elect an honest-broker party — a “kingmaker” even. That kingmaker could be Act or NZ First.