Re: Meng Foon’s seawall.
Bevan, while you may be right about the need for less red tape (October 31 letter), the fact of the matter is Meng Foon thought he could just do as he pleased and get away with it.
While you say this is not much different to what the Wainui Beach residents faced some years back, again in fact there is a big difference — and wasn’t Meng Foon the Mayor at the time?
The Wainui Beach residents sought to protect their properties from further erosion after a major storm had put their properties at serious risk — unlike the erosion to the Tatapouri foreshore, which has been slowly eroding over many, many years and cannot be attributed to any one weather-related event.
On the two separate occasions when the seawall immediately adjacent to both sides of the boat ramp was subjected to significant storm damage that needed major repairs, even this required resource consent from Gisborne District Council itself before any work could be carried out.