Prime Minister Chris Hipkins arrived in Gisborne yesterday with the good news of a $2.75 million spend to stand up an emergency shipping route for this region and Hawke's Bay for the next three months — a huge boost for our many land-based businesses facing large extra costs to get
Meeting needs in disaster zone
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A109 Light Utility Helicopter flight with mayor Gisborne City from the air in November 2023.
Wairoa is impacted even worse than the Gisborne district by the broken highway to its south — still estimated to be about three months away from being ready to reopen.
The emergency coastal shipping route and vessel charter is a great intervention for the regional economies of the cyclone-ravaged east coast of the North Island.
It should also prove its worth into the future as another transport option providing much-needed resilience as well as greenhouse gas reductions, with ship freight emissions less than 10 percent of the road freight equivalent.
The concept was worked up by Eastland Port, which had already been investigating coastal shipping, and pitched to the Government. It's a credit to both that the service can start next week — even as the infrastructure to facilitate it is still being developed.
In a crisis situation, needs have to be met as soon as practicably possible. The good people of Wairoa and Te Karaka, among many others kept out of flood-damaged homes, deserve the same.