The FEDs volunteers’ main roles include cups of tea and coffee for patients and their families, sitting and talking with patients, and ensuring they have someone with them in their moment of need.
They also provide support to nurses and doctors by ensuring shelves remain stocked with equipment.
“In times of distress, people need more than treatment. They also need information and support,” said FEDs team leader Tania Hagen.
“Because emergency departments are always busy, staff often do not always have time to give patients and their families the support and reassurance they are looking for.
“That’s when St John volunteers involved with Friends of the Emergency Department can make a real difference,” she said.
“It has been a really positive initiative in the 10 years it has been running and we often get people who have been supported by us seeking to become volunteers themselves.
“They want to give something back.”
Sharon Bramwell, another of the volunteers, said it was so rewarding to be there to help the nurses and the patients.
“It’s so good to bring a smile to their faces.”
Clinical nurse manager of the emergency department Jaki Boyle said it had been an absolutely worthwhile initiative.
“The FEDS volunteers are an important part of our ED team, and their contributions are greatly valued by everybody.
“We hope they will continue to support the community in this way for many years.”
Members of the FEDs team celebrated with a special morning tea, and a cake, on Tuesday morning.
Anyone interested in joining the FEDs can call Tania Hagen on 027 478 9054.